Articles from author "Vrtiška Luboš"
Study of kintoreite-segnitite-beudantite series members and accompanying phosphates from Vlastkovec near Slavonice (Czech Republic)
Volume 32, issue 2 (2024), pages 133-146
Bismuth phosphates from the Sítio do Castelo mine, Folgosinho (Portugal): description and Raman spectroscopy
Volume 32, issue 2 (2024), pages 105-113
Andradite and datolite from Košťálov near Semily (Liberec Region, Czech Republic)
Volume 32, issue 1 (2024), pages 85-94
Gersdorffite, tyrolite and Bi-minerals from vein Cu mineralization from the quarry Smrčník at Lipová-lázně near Jeseník (Czech Republic)
Volume 32, issue 1 (2024), pages 8-18
Stellerite from Košťálov near Semily (Czech Republic)
Volume 31, issue 2 (2023), pages 209-216
Hydrothermal and supergene mineralization of quartz-calcite vein from the quarry Smrčník, Lipová-lázně near Jeseník (Czech Republic)
Volume 31, issue 2 (2023), pages 177-208
Secondary localities of the fissure phosphate in the Bohemian Massif and their subdivision and comparison in relation to the type of the host rock
Volume 31, issue 2 (2023), pages 123-166
Kleemanite, a rare phosphate from Krásno near Horní Slavkov, Czech Republic
Volume 31, issue 2 (2023), pages 105-110
Retgersite from mine dump of the Lill shaft, Březové Hory ore district, Příbram (Czech Republic)
Volume 31, issue 1 (2023), pages 89-94
Lindgrenite, monoclinic Cu3(MoO4)(OH)2, from Cínovec, Krušné hory Mountains - the first occurrence in the Czech Republic
Volume 31, issue 1 (2023), pages 41-46
Unusual mineralization with willemite from the area of the central part of the Příbram uranium and base-metal district (Czech Republic)
Volume 30, issue 2 (2022), pages 224-242
Ferrierite-Mg and Ba-rich heulandite from Chvaletice near Přelouč (Czech Republic)
Volume 30, issue 2 (2022), pages 197-204
Nordstrandite from the Richter quarry in Hammerunterwiesenthal, Saxony (Germany)
Volume 30, issue 1 (2022), pages 154-160
Supergene mineralization of the hydrothermal Ag-Pb-Zn deposit Hříva near Louňovice pod Blaníkem (Czech Republic)
Volume 30, issue 1 (2022), pages 124-136
Pyrometamorphosed sandstone xenolith and associated hydrothermal mineralization from neovolcanites at Prackovice nad Labem (České středohoří Mts., Czech Republic)
Volume 30, issue 1 (2022), pages 95-107
Collinsite from the Nučice iron mine, a new mineral for the Czech Republic - description and Raman spectroscopy
Volume 30, issue 1 (2022), pages 1-10
Coronadite from the Řimbaba mine in Bohutín near Příbram (Czech Republic)
Volume 29, issue 2 (2021), pages 281-284
Significantly zonal tetrahedrite-tennantite from Kramolín, Michalovy Hory ore district (Czech Republic)
Volume 29, issue 2 (2021), pages 249-254
Zeolite mineralization with gmelinite-K from Jedlka near Benešov nad Ploučnicí (Czech Republic)
Volume 29, issue 2 (2021), pages 213-229
Böhmite and accompanying zeolite mineralization from Soutěsky near Děčín (Czech Republic)
Volume 29, issue 1 (2021), pages 164-177
Hydroxyapophyllite-(K) from quarry Těchlovice near Děčín (Czech Republic)
Volume 29, issue 1 (2021), pages 124-130
Faujasit-Na and accompanying zeolite mineralization from the locality Klučky near Polevsko in the Lužické hory Mts. (Czech Republic)
Volume 28, issue 2 (2020), pages 417-436
New data on research of tvrdýite from Krušná hora near Beroun (Czech Republic)
Volume 28, issue 2 (2020), pages 406-411
Riomarinaite from Cínovec - first occurence of very rare bismuth sulphate in the Czech Republic
Volume 28, issue 2 (2020), pages 359-363
Namibite and accompanying mineralization of fluorite vein Nadějná near Kotlina in the Krušné hory Mts. (Czech Republic)
Volume 28, issue 1 (2020), pages 170-178
Zeolite mineralization from Libá near Cheb (Czech Republic)
Volume 28, issue 1 (2020), pages 152-160
Minerals of contaminated granitic pegmatites from the Pohled quarry near Havlíčkův Brod (Moldanubicum, Czech Republic), part I: oxides, carbonates, silicates and phosphates
Volume 28, issue 1 (2020), pages 132-151
Rare allanpringite - alteration product of fluorwavellite from Milina quarry near Zaječov (Czech Republic)
Volume 28, issue 1 (2020), pages 126-131
Dickite-bearing hydrothermal mineralization in Ordovician claystones of the Bohdalec Formation from the tunnel of subway Line D in Prague-Pankrác
Volume 28, issue 1 (2020), pages 116-125
Pyrostilpnite from the Stará Vožice - Ratibořské Hory deposit (Czech Republic)
Volume 28, issue 1 (2020), pages 69-73
Pyromorphite, kintoreite and cerussite from the historical Ag-Pb-Zn ore deposit Ratibořské Hory (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 2 (2019), pages 394-410
Zeolite mineralization from the Zaječí vrch and Poustevna near Nový Bor (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 2 (2019), pages 346-349
Parasymplesite from the Marie Mine dump near Stará Vožice (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 2 (2019), pages 324-330
Zeolite mineralization from the Pastevní vrch near Růžová near Děčín (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 2 (2019), pages 290-296
Manganese rich beraunite, strunzite and phosphosiderite from historical Fe-Mn ore deposit Morašice near Přelouč (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 2 (2019), pages 269-278
A study of secondary phosphates with allanpringite and tvrdýite from the abandoned iron deposit Krušná hora near Beroun (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 2 (2019), pages 231-246
Mineralogy of the stibnite deposit at Chříč near Rakovník (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 1 (2019), pages 148-166
Iriginite, chistyakovaite and metazeunerite from the 5. květen adit at Vrchoslav in Krušné hory Mts. (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 1 (2019), pages 136-147
Bendadaite from Krásno near Horní Slavkov (Czech Republic), description and Raman spectroscopy
Volume 27, issue 1 (2019), pages 63-71
The recently found Bi-Co-Ni-As-U-V mineralization of the Přísečnice ore district, Krušné hory Mountains (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 1 (2019), pages 1-37
Metarauchite from the uranium deposit Smrkovec near Lázně Kynžvart (Czech Republic)
Volume 26, issue 2 (2018), pages 259-263
Heulandite-Ca from Vinařická hora near Kladno (Czech Republic)
Volume 26, issue 2 (2018), pages 163-167
Zeolite mineralization from Heřmanice near Česká Lípa (Czech Republic)
Volume 26, issue 2 (2018), pages 123-137
Zeolite mineralization from Milířsko near Těchlovice nad Labem (Czech Republic)
Volume 26, issue 1 (2018), pages 102-113
Arthurite from Huber stock in Krásno near Horní Slavkov - the first occurrence in the Czech Republic
Volume 26, issue 1 (2018), pages 74-77
Zeolite mineralization from Kluček Hill at Heřmaničky near Česká Lípa (Czech Republic)
Volume 26, issue 1 (2018), pages 43-56
Zeolite mineralization with thomsonite-Ca from Babětín near Těchlovice in the České středohoří Mts. (Czech Republic)
Volume 26, issue 1 (2018), pages 1-11
A revision and new findings of phosphates from the historical locality Černovice near Tábor (Czech Republic)
Volume 25, issue 2 (2017), pages 277-305
Supergene mineralization of the Michalovy Hory ore district (Czech Republic)
Volume 25, issue 2 (2017), pages 228-244
Zeolite mineralization from Lískový hill at Okřešice near Česká Lípa (Czech Republic)
Volume 25, issue 2 (2017), pages 170-182
Haüyne from Lukov in České středohoří Mountains (Czech Republic)
Volume 25, issue 1 (2017), pages 98-103
Theisite, sabelliite and tyrolite from the Cu deposit La Mina Delfina, Ortiguero (Spain)
Volume 25, issue 1 (2017), pages 85-97
Fluorwavellite and variscite from Počepice near Sedlčany (Czech Republic)
Volume 24, issue 2 (2016), pages 285-277
Philipsburgite from Krásno near Horní Slavkov, Slavkovský les Mts. (Czech Republic)
Volume 24, issue 2 (2016), pages 243-251
Chalcophyllite from the Sn-W deposit Cínovec, Krušné hory Mountains (Czech Republic)
Volume 24, issue 2 (2016), pages 234-237
Gilmarite, triclinic Cu3(AsO4)(OH)3, from Běloves near Náchod - the first occurrence in Czech Republic
Volume 24, issue 2 (2016), pages 230-233
An interresting phosphate occurence around Líštěnec near Votice (Czech Republic)
Volume 24, issue 1 (2016), pages 114-131
Stolzite from Vysoká near Havlíčkův Brod (Czech Republic)
Volume 24, issue 1 (2016), pages 95-99
Dewindtite from the uranium deposit Zálesí in Rychlebské hory Mountains (Czech Republic)
Volume 24, issue 1 (2016), pages 63-69
Uranium supergene mineralization from Abertamy, Krušné hory Mountains (Czech Republic)
Volume 24, issue 1 (2016), pages 46-55
New found of gibbsite at the Hammerunterwiesenthal tephrite quarry, Krušné hory Mountains (Germany)
Volume 23, issue 2 (2015), pages 247-254
Jarosite and accompanying minerals from abandoned quarry Milina near Zaječov (Czech Republic)
Volume 23, issue 2 (2015), pages 242-246
Supergene mineralization of the skarn tin deposit Zlatý Kopec in the Krušné hory Mts. (Czech Republic)
Volume 23, issue 2 (2015), pages 182-200
Felsöbányaite from the Most Basin (Czech Republic)
Volume 23, issue 1 (2015), pages 75-80
Phosphuranylite from the uranium ore occurrence Smrkovec near Lázně Kynžvart (Czech Republic)
Volume 22, issue 1 (2014), pages 99-104
Metatorbernite and lithiophorite from uranium deposit Předbořice (Czech Republic)
Volume 21, issue 2 (2013), pages 240-248