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Significantly zonal tetrahedrite-tennantite from Kramolín, Michalovy Hory ore district (Czech Republic)

Volume 29, issue 2 (2021), pages 249-254



The crystals of significantly zonal tetrahedrite-tennantite were found in the mine dump material of the Grubenwall 42 mine, Kramolín, the Michalovy Hory ore district, western Bohemia (Czech Republic). Tetrahedrite-tennantite forms layer of tetrahedral, partly corroded crystals up to 1 mm in size on a crust of crystalline quartz in association with chalcopyrite and cerussite. Individual zones in oscillatory zoned crystals are represented by three members of tetrahedrite group minerals - tetrahedrite-(Zn), tennantite-(Zn) and rare tennantite-(Fe). The observed range of AsSb-1 substitution is unusual within a single crystal and indicates high variability of the As/Sb ratio in the hydrothermal fluids.


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