Mineralogy of the stibnite deposit at Chříč near Rakovník (Czech Republic)
A small abandoned Sb-deposit at Chříč near Rakovník (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic) is represented by hydrothermal veins hosted by metagreywackes and metasiltstones of the Barrandian Neoproterozoic, which were contactly metamorphosed by dyke intrusion of a Paleozoic lamprophyre (spessartite). A rich sulphidic association containing together with stibnite, pyrite and arsenopyrite also nineteen subordinate or accessory ore minerals (sphalerite, berthierite, galena, tetrahedrite, freibergite, chalcopyrite, ullmannite, jamesonite, boulangerite, cobaltite, costibite, gersdorffite, bournonite, greenockite, native silver and native antimony) was found during our study of dump and museum material. Very interesting is especially the presence of Ag- and Se-rich minerals including Ag-rich tetrahedrite, freibergite, naumannite, clausthalite and Se-rich stephanite. The gangue is formed mainly by quartz, but in a lesser amount there occur also either older and younger carbonates (dolomite-ankerite), in places together with illite-muscovite and rare barite. Rare microscopic grains of fluorapatite, rutile, zircon and monazite-(Ce) were also found. Origin of kermesite is probably related to the low-temperature hydrothermal processes; chapmanite was probably formed by weathering of primary stibnite. The youngest phases are clearly supergene minerals including jarosite, cerusite, anglesite, valentinite and very abundant limonite.
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