Zeolite mineralization from the Zaječí vrch and Poustevna near Nový Bor (Czech Republic)
Two new occurrences of zeolite mineralization have been discovered in the NE vicinity of Nový Bor, northern Bohemia (Czech Republic). It concerns the localities „U poustevny“ (500 m N from the Polevsko village) and the hill „Zaječí vrch“ (544 m a. s. l., near Arnultovice). The main significance of both localities consists in the occurrence of morphologically variable crystals and aggregates of offretite. The unit cell parameters of offretite refined from the powder X-ray data are: a 13.312(5), c 7.5907(5) Å and V 1164.9(6) Å3 (U poustevny) and a 13.304(5), c 7.5998(4) Å and V 1164.9(7) Å3 (Zaječí vrch). Their chemical analyses correspond to the empirical formula Ca1.23K0.94Mg0.75Na0.21Sr0.04 Ba0.02(Si12.50Al5.58)O36·16H2O (U poustevny) and Ca1.06K0.91Mg0.85Na0.05(Si12.92 Al5.18)O36·16H2O (Zaječí vrch). Offretite was found at both localities in association with gismondine, phillipsite, chabazite-Ca, thomsonite-Ca and calcite. At the locality U poustevny lévyne-Ca and erionite-K have been also confirmed. The X-ray powder diffraction data, refined unit-cell parameters and chemical composition for all described zeolite species are given in the paper.
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