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Waylandit a petitjeanit, dva nové fosfáty pro lokalitu Cetoraz u Pacova (Česká republika)

Waylandite and petitjeanite, two new phosphates for locality Cetoraz near Pacov (Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


Association of the supergene phosphate minerals within quartz fissures on the quartz-wolframite sample from the locality Cetoraz near Pacov, Czech Republic was studied. The most abundant supergene phosphate is waylandite, which occurs in two types. Waylandite I is Bi and Fe depleted and enriched in Ca, Pb, W, F and P with average composition (Bi0.54Ca0.24Na0.02Pb0.02)∑0.82(Al2.87Fe0.20)∑3.07[(PO4)2.07(SiO4)0.02(WO4)0.01]∑2.10(OH)4.88F0.21. Waylandite II is closer to ideal formula with average composition (Bi0.92Ca0.11K0.01)∑1.04(Al2.65Fe0.38)∑3.04[(PO4)1.87(SiO4)0.08(SO4)0.01]∑1.96(OH)6,23.  Waylandite is accompanied by the less abundant petitjeanite, which is very close to its ideal formula with average composition (Bi2.85Ca0.11Fe0.03Al0.01)∑3.00[(PO4)1,92(SiO4)0.09]∑2.01O(OH)0.77. Remaining space in fissures is filled with the limonite. Unknown late Bi-Fe-W-O phase was observed as grains in tiny fissures of the limonite. Another unknown Bi-W-O phase was observed inside the tiny vugs and fissures in the quartz and wolframite. These supergene phases originated from the primary wolframite-apatite-bismuth-scheelite mineralization.


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