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Cu-Ag-Sb-As mineralizace z ložiska Milín, příbramský uran-polymetalický revír (Česká republika)

Cu-Ag-Sb-As mineralization from the Milín deposit, uranium and base-metal ore district Příbram (Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


The small deposit Milín (uranium and base-metal ore district Příbram, Czech Republic) is situated in the northern continuation of the Vrančice deposit, well known by occurrences of Ag-Cu mineralization. One newly examined specimen from the dump of the shaft No. 68 provided new information about the Ag-Cu mineralization in the area of Milín deposit. Ag-rich bornite (up to 1.07 wt.%) and chalcopyrite are the oldest ore minerals of the association. A well developed SbAs-1 substitution with prevailing tetrahedrite over tennantite is typical of minerals of the tetrahedrite group. Mckinstryite forms lath-like inclusions in stromeyerite aggregates. Both minerals belong at least in part to the youngest hypogene minerals of the studied ore association. Covellite replaces tetrahedrite and tennantite and is probably the youngest ore mineral. Calcite and quartz follow the crystallization of ore minerals. The occurrences of Ag-Cu mineralization whichare typical for some veins of the Lešetice, Vrančice, Radětice and Milín deposits are probably lithologically controlled; thewall-rocks of all these occurrences are granitoids of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex.


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