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Přehled minerálních asociací a litologie mramorů české části  moldanubika (Český masiv)

Mineral assemblages and lithology of marbles of the Bohemian part of the Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif)

Klíčová slova


Several types of locally abundant marbles occur in variegated complexes of the southern Bohemia with distinctive mineral assemblages and lithology of the host rocks. The following types were distinguished: (1) Silicate-calcite marbles (Cal + Di + Ttn ± Tr ± Qz ± Pl ± Kfs ± Wo; (2) pure calcite marbles, locally with dolomite (Cal + Phl ± Di ± Qz ± Dol and Tr + Cal + Phl); (3) graphite-calcite marbles, locally with silicates (Cal + Phl + Gr + Di + Py ± Dol); (4) calcite-dolomite marbles (Fo + Cal + Dol ± Chl (Spl) ± Chu ± Chn and Di + Cal + Dol) with accessory geikielite, baddeleyite and zirconolite and (5) dolomite marbles (Dol + Tr ± Cal ± Phl ± Fo). The peak-T conditions at T ≥ 650 °C and PCO2 < 0.6 are indicated by the assemblage Di + An + Wo in calcite marbles and Spl + Fo (XMg ≈ 1) with geikielite and baddeleyite in dolomite marbles, respectively. The retrograde post-peak-T at < 550 °C is characterized by the assemblage Dol + Tr and serpentinization of forsterite. The following regions were defined in this area based on their geology and lithology: (A) calcite marbles with quartzites overlying lower Monotonous unit; (B) Český Krumlov region with marbles closely associated with graphites and partly with amphibolites; (C) rather small bodies of marbles associated with Gföhl migmatites, granulites and durbachites; (D) giant bodies (> 300 m thick) of calcite marbles in the western part of the Moldanubicum.


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