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Zeolitová mineralizace s barytem z Rousínova u Cvikova v Lužických horách (Česká republika)

Zeolites mineralization with barite from Rousínov near Cvikov in Lužické hory Mountains (Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


An interesting new occurrence of offretite and harmotome in association with barite was detected in basalts at Rousínovský hrádek near Rousínov, Lužické hory Mountains (Czech Republic). Offretite forms colorless hexagonal acicular crystals up to 0.8 mm in lenght and radial or hemispherical aggregates up to 2 mm across. It is hexagonal, space group P-6m; its unit-cell parameters of offretite, refined from the powder X-ray data, are: a 13.301(4), b 7.621(2) and V 1167.6(3) Å3. Chemical analyses of offretite correspond to the empirical formula K1.02Ca1.02Mg0.76Ba0.04Na0.01Si13.22 (Al4.81Fe0.02)Σ4.83O36·15H2O. Harmotome was found as colorless to whitish crystals and characteristic twins up to 2 mm in size. It is monoclinic, space group P21/m, the unit-cell parameters, refined from the powder X-ray data, are: a 9.887(3), b 14.116(6), c 8.657(3) Å, β 124.58(2)° and V 994.7(6) Å3. Chemical composition of harmotome correspond to the empirical formula (Ba1.96K0.05Na0.04Ca0.03)Σ2.07 (Si11.75Ti0.07)Σ11.82O32·12H2O. Barite forms colorless to white tabular crystals and their groups up to 2 mm in size, it has an increased content of SrO and its empical formula is possible to express as (Ba0.93Sr0.06Ca0.01)Σ1.00SO4. Described locality is interesting by anomalous increased concentrations of barium (occurrence near to end-member harmotome and barite) which had not been found at similar types of zeolite mineralizations in the Czech Republic.


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