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Hausmannit a manganosit z mangánového ložiska Čučma-Čierna baňa

Hausmannite and manganosite from the Čučma-Čierna baňa manganese deposit (Slovak Republic)

Klíčová slova


Hausmannite and manganosite were identified at the Čierna baňa manganese deposit near Čučma, Slovenské rudohorie Mts., Gemeric Superunit, Slovak Republic. Hausmannite occurs as black, fine-grained masses up to 10 cm in size. It contain aggregates of manganosite and microscopic barite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite and spessartine inclusions. The refined unit-cell parameters of hausmannite from the powder X-ray diffraction data (for the tetragonal space group I41/amd) are a = 5.786(11), c = 9.411(2) Å with V = 315.1(6) Å3. Manganosite forms anhedral, emerald to dark green grains and aggregates up to 2 mm in size embedded in hausmannite matrix. It is first documented occurrence of this species in Slovakia. The refined unit-cell parameters of manganosite from the powder X-ray diffraction data (for the cubic space group Fm3m) are a = 4.445(1) Å with V = 87.801(2) Å3. Its chemical composition is close to the end member with the empirical formula (average of 6 point analyses) corresponding to (Mn0.99Mg0.01)Σ1.00O1.00 on the basis of O = 1.


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