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Anatas z epigenetické mineralizace tektonických poruch české části hornoslezské pánve

Anatase from epigenetic mineralization of tectonic zones in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin

Klíčová slova


During 2018, three new occurrences of anatase were recognized in the Karviná - Doly I allotment of the ČSA Mine. They are bound to fissures accompanying main tectonic zones - Doubrava and Olše faults. Low-temperature hydrothermal mineralization includes quartz, dolomite, siderite, baryte, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and mineral from the chlorite group. New to this mineral assemblage is a confirmed presence of anatase. It forms blue tabular aggregates max. 500 × 50 μm in size on the quartz crystals. EDS analyses of the natural (unpolished) samples gave empirical formulas Ti1.0O2.0. Observed Raman peaks at 146, 395, 516, and 642 cm-1, resp. 144, 396, 518, and 641 cm-1 fit the published anatase vibrations well. These finds are second reliable description of a mineral from the TiO2 group in the hydrothermal mineralization of the Carboniferous sedimentary sequence of the Upper Silesian Basin.


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