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Supergenní mineralizace rudního revíru Michalovy Hory (Česká republika)

Supergene mineralization of the Michalovy Hory ore district (Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


New interesting supergene minerals were found at the abandoned ore deposit district Michalovy Hory near Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic. Annabergite forms light green crystalline crusts and hemispherical aggregates up to 0.2 mm in size. Annabergite is monoclinic, space group C2/m with a 10.188(7), b 13.332(9), c 4.733(6) Å, β 105.13(2)°, V 621(1) Å3. Brochantite forms aggregates of vitreous emerald green crystals up to 0.5 mm in size in association with wroewolfeite. Brochantite is monoclinic, space group P21/a with a 13.083(4), b 9.844(4), c 6.0161(3) Å, β 103.32(2)°, V 754.0(6) Å3. Cerussite forms light grey to light brown elongated crystals up to 5 mm in size. It is orthorombic, space group Pmcn with a 5.1846(6), b 8.5010(7), c 6.1480(6) Å, V 270.97(4) Å3. Devilline forms pearly light blue tabular crystals up to 0.8 mm in size. Devilline is monoclinic, space group P21/c with a 20.872(6), b 6.136(17), c 22.196(9) Å, β 102.7(4)°, 2772.4(5) Å3. Hörnesite occurs as creamy to light pink earthy crusts and hemispherical aggregates up to 0.5 mm in size on a Ni arsenides in association with annabergite, picropharmacolite and gypsum. Hörnesite is monoclinic, space group C2/m with a 10.248(4), b 13.415(3), c 4.7467(17) Å, β 105.09(2)°, 630.1(4) Å3. Köttigite forms transparent pink elongated crystals and radial aggregates up to 1 mm in size in association with schultenite. It is monoclinic, space group C2/m with a 10.239(4), b 13.411(4), c 4.7589(18) Å, β 105.2(3)°, 630.6(4) Å3. Mimetite forms earthy yellow aggregates in association with cerussite. Mimetite is hexagonal, space group P63/, with a 10.247(5), 7.4506(2) Å, V 677.5(3) Å3. Picropharmacolite occurs as white needles and hemispherical aggregates up to 2 mm in size. It is triclinic, space group P1̅ with a 13.537(5), b 13.507(7), c 6.709(4) Å, α 99.81(5)°, β 96.45(4)°, γ 91.60(4)°, 1199.8 Å3. Pyromorphite forms yellow to green crystalline crusts and elongated crystals up to 0.8 mm in size. Pyromorphite is hexagonal, space group P63/m, with a 9.986(8), c 7.3498(8) Å, V 634.7(6) Å3. Schultenite occurs as white to creamy earthy crusts and aggregates up to 1 mm in size. It is monoclinic, space group P2/c with a 4.923(5), b 6.771(4), c 5.852(4) Å, β 96.0(2)°, 193.9(2) Å3. Rare wroewolfeite forms pearly light blue fibrous aggregates up to 2 mm in size on brochantite. Wroewolfeite is monoclinic, space group P/c with a 6.044(2), b 5.6504(14), c 14.341(3) Å, β 93.38(4)°, 488.9(2) Å3. It is the first occurrence of wroewolfeite in the Czech Republic. The X-ray powder diffraction patterns and quantitative chemical composition for determined mineral phases are given in the paper.


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