Mineralogická charakteristika mramorov z lokality Nižný Klátov (Volovské vrchy, Slovenská republika)
Mineralogical characteristics of marbles from the locality Nižný Klátov (Volovské vrchy Mts., Slovak Republic)
Klíčová slova
Studied marbles occurring in the stone quarry near Nižný Klátov, Slovakia are parts of amphibolites. They form a lithologic member of the Klátov complex of Gemericum. Marbles contain fragments of amphibolites and feldspar porphyroblasts. The colour of marbles is grey light to greyish green. The rock has a massive texture and granoblastic structure. The identified mineral association of marbles forms calcite + amphiboles (magnesio-hornblende, pargasite, ferri-tschermakite, actinolite) + clinopyroxenes (diopside) + albite + orthoclase + epidote-supergroup minerals + titanite. Actinolite has a Mg/(Mg+Fe) (XMg) ratio in the range 0.55 - 0.85. In the dark zone of actinolite, Mg2+ contents increase (from 3.102 to 3.889 apfu) and Fe2+ contents decrease (from 1.068 to 1.766 apfu), while in the light zone the Mg2+ contents decrease (from 2.868 to 3.284 apfu) and the Fe contents increase (from 1.615 to 2.071 apfu). With an increasing ratio of tschermakite molecule, the ratio of XMg decreases to 0.50. The clinopyroxenes have a high ferrous diopside composition with an XMg ratio of 0.54 to 0.60. The composition of titanite is close to the end member without any significant substitution, Al content is max. 0.07 apfu, Fe3+ is below 0.02 apfu. Max. 0.05 apfu of Na is founded in the orthoclase, contents of Ca and K together in the albite is below 0.01 apfu. Epidote-supergroup minerals form two compositional trends. The first trend is the epidote-clinozoisite divided into three groups: 1. Epidotes containing Fe3+ 0.80 - 0.95 apfu; 2. Epidotes to clinozoisites containing Fe3+ 0.47 - 0.63 apfu; 3. Clinozoisites containing Fe3+ below 0.03 apfu. The second trend is a REE-enriched epidote containing 0.40 apfu. In the dark zone of the epidote, a higher Al3+ content (0.363 - 0.604 apfu) and a lower Fe3+ content (0.382 - 0.633 apfu) are present. In the light zone of the epidote, a higher Fe3+ content (0.802 - 0.952 apfu) and a lower Al3+ content (0.011 - 0.175 apfu) are present. Calcite is chemically pure; the presence of dolomite has not been confirmed. Marbles are products of local metamorphic proces-ses that were randomly generated in the tectonic zones of amphibolites.
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