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Fülöppit a plagionit z antimonového ložiska Boněnov u Chodové Plané (Česká republika)

Fülöppite and plagionite from the Sb deposit Boněnov near Chodová Planá (Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


Two rare sulfosalt minerals, fülöppite and plagionite, have been determined in a sample from a small abandoned Sb deposit Boněnov near Chodová Planá, western Bohemia, Czech Republic. The more abundant fülöppite forms steel grey aggregates with metallic lustre in quartz gangue and groups of crystals up to 1 mm in length in association with stibnite, sphalerite, carbonate and chalcedony. Fülöppite is monoclinic, space group C2/c and its refined unit-cell parameters are: a 13.444(4), b 11.727(2), c 16.934(3) Å, β 94.7(4)° and V 2661(1) Å3. Its empirical formula (mean of 14 point analyses) is Pb2.87Sb8.01S15.12. Plagionite was found together with fülöppite as a part of inhomogenous aggregates formed by submicroscopic to microscopic intergowths of both mineral phases. Plagionite is monoclinic, space group C2/c and its refined unit-cell parameters are: a 13.462(7), b 11.868(6), c 20.03(1) Å, β 107.16(3)° and V 3057(2) Å3.


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