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Zeolitová mineralizace z Nového Oldřichova u Kamenického Šenova (Česká republika)

Zeolite mineralization from Nový Oldřichov near Kamenický Šenov (Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


An interesting zeolite association has been found at several outcrops of North-Bohemian kenozoic alkaline volcanics close the Nový Oldřichov village near Kamenický Šenov (northern Bohemia, Czech Republic). Offretite is the most interesting zeolite at these occurrences, it forms colorless acicular crystals up to 1.5 mm in size and hemispherical aggregates up to 3 mm accross. Epitaxial overgrowths of chabazite by tiny acicular offretite crystals were also observed. Offretite is hexagonal, space group P-6m with following unit-cell parameters refined from the powder X-ray data: a 13.295(6), c 7.6133(4) Å and V = 1165.4(6) Å3. Its chemical analyses correspond to the empirical formula K1.02Ca.1.39Mg0.51Sr0.04 (Si12.87Al5.21)O36·15H2O. Chabazite-Ca, chabazite-K, phillipsite-Ca and phillipsite-K were found in the association with offretite; their X-ray powder diffraction data, refined unit-cell parameters and chemical compositions are given in the paper.


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