Articles with keyword "X-ray powder data"
Mineralogical characteristic of the U-Pb occurrence near the Bezděkov village (Tachov area, Czech Republic)
Volume 32, issue 2 (2024), pages 153-159
Paratacamite from the Jáchymov ore district (Czech Republic) and its association
Volume 32, issue 2 (2024), pages 124-130
Ferrarisite from the uranium deposit Zálesí in Rychlebské hory Mountains (Czech Republic)
Volume 32, issue 1 (2024), pages 19-22
Kleemanite, a rare phosphate from Krásno near Horní Slavkov, Czech Republic
Volume 31, issue 2 (2023), pages 105-110
Two new localities of pyromorphite in Slovak Republic: Chvojnica and Hnilčík
Volume 30, issue 1 (2022), pages 38-44
New data on sulphosalts from the hydrothermal siderite-type veins in the Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie Mts. (eastern Slovakia): 3. Tintinaite and bournonite from the Gašpar (Grexa) vein near Rožňava
Volume 30, issue 1 (2022), pages 11-18
Olivenite and cornwallite from the Podlipa copper deposit near Ľubietová, Slovakia
Volume 29, issue 2 (2021), pages 189-196
New data on sulphosalts from hydrothermal siderite-type veins in the Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie Mts. (eastern Slovakia): 1. Nuffieldite and aikinite from Slovinky-Došťavná vein
Volume 29, issue 1 (2021), pages 108-114
Mimetite from the Ján Nepomuk deposit near Veľké Pole (Slovak Republic)
Volume 29, issue 1 (2021), pages 1-5
Pseudomalachite from the Zadné Breziny occurrence near Gemerská Poloma (Slovak Republic)
Volume 28, issue 2 (2020), pages 290-294
Hydrothermal bastnäsite-(Ce) from the Elisabeth adit near Gemerská Poloma (Slovak Republic)
Volume 28, issue 1 (2020), pages 1-8
Nesquehonite from the Pezinok-Kolársky vrch antimony deposit, Malé Karpaty Mts. (Slovak Republic)
Volume 27, issue 2 (2019), pages 370-374
REE-rich zálesíite from Běloves near Náchod (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 2 (2019), pages 297-303
Retgersite from the Rudňany deposit (Slovak Republic)
Volume 27, issue 1 (2019), pages 167-171
Iriginite, chistyakovaite and metazeunerite from the 5. květen adit at Vrchoslav in Krušné hory Mts. (Czech Republic)
Volume 27, issue 1 (2019), pages 136-147
Metarauchite from the uranium deposit Smrkovec near Lázně Kynžvart (Czech Republic)
Volume 26, issue 2 (2018), pages 259-263
Contribution to the chemical composition of libethenite from the type locality: Podlipa copper deposit, Ľubietová (Slovak Republic)
Volume 25, issue 2 (2017), pages 252-259