Articles with keyword "amphibole"
Mineral assemblage of a skarn occurrence Mýtinka - Vysoká, Krušné hory Mts., Czech Republic
Volume 32, issue 2 (2024), pages 160-176
Mineralogical characteristics of a garnet skarn from the Trohanka locality near Prakovce (Gemeric Unit, Slovak Republic)
Volume 29, issue 2 (2021), pages 230-240
Zonal amphiboles in a contact zone of marbles and metabasites in the locality Trohanka near Prakovce (Volovské vrchy Mts., Slovak Republic)
Volume 25, issue 1 (2017), pages 12-22
Retrogradely metamorphosed eklogite from Čejkov near Nový Rychnov (Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic)
Volume 22, issue 2 (2014), pages 311-325