Articles with keyword "galena"
Mineralogical characteristic of the U-Pb occurrence near the Bezděkov village (Tachov area, Czech Republic)
Volume 32, issue 2 (2024), pages 153-159
Řepová near Mohelnice - mineralogically the most diverse ore vein mineralization in the Moravo-Silesian Culm
Volume 27, issue 1 (2019), pages 109-135
Hydrothermal Pb-Zn base-metal mineralization at the Marianka locality, the Malé Karpaty Mts. (Slovak republic)
Volume 22, issue 1 (2014), pages 56-67
Occurrence of siegenite and associatied sulphides at cracks of pelocarbonates at the ČSA mine, Karviná (Czech Republic)
Volume 22, issue 2 (2014), pages 326-332
Krutovite and associated minerals from the Dobšiná-Teliatko occurrence (Slovak Republic)
Volume 21, issue 1 (2013), pages 1-14