Articles with keyword "cinnabar"
New data on sulphosalts from the hydrothermal siderite-type veins in the Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie Mts. (eastern Slovakia): 4. Tennantite-(Hg) from the Vyšný Klátov ore occurrence
Volume 30, issue 2 (2022), pages 243-249
A contribution to knowledge of chemistry of mercurian tetrahedrites: localities Jedová hora (Czech Republic), Rudňany, Rožňava, Nižná Slaná, Slovinky (Slovakia) and Maškara (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Volume 22, issue 1 (2014), pages 131-143
The occurence of cinnabar with microscopis gortdrumite at the Vrančice deposit near Příbram (Czech Republic)
Volume 21, issue 1 (2013), pages 57-61