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A contribution to knowledge of exotic rocks of the Western Carpathian Flysch Belt: Chloritoid schist from Nový dvůr near Kvasice (Chřiby Mts., Czech Republic)

Volume 30, issue 2 (2022), pages 188-196



New occurrence of pebbles of chloritoid schists, found in Eocene-to-Oligocene conglomerates of the Zlín Formation, Rača Unit, Magura Flysch, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic, is characterized in this contribution. The rock has very simple mineral composition, including chloritoid, quartz, white mica and trace amount of apatite, rutile, and monazite. Chloritoid contains only very small proportions of magnesiochloritoid (7 - 11 mol. %) and ottrelite (up to 0.4 mol. %) components. The composition of white mica corresponds to muscovite and illite. The significant differences in mineral assemblages of rocks as well as in chemical composition of chloritoid and white mica usually appeared during comparison with those of similar rock types occurring in potential source areas in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria. The best comparable chemical composition showed only chloritoid in chloritoid schist from Bělá in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts., Silesicum, Czech Republic.


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