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Calcite-dolomite geothermometry applied to determination of metamorphic conditions of the carbonates from locality Pliešovce (Slovak Republic)

Volume 26, issue 2 (2018), pages 188-195



Application of the calcite-dolomite solvus geothermometry is focused on determination of the metamorphic conditions of the Middle Triassic carbonates from the locality Pliešovce (Slovak Republic). The metacarbonates represent a Mesozoic cover of the Southern Veporic. The temperature conditions of recrystallization have been calculated on the basis of the microprobe chemical analyses of the coexisting calcite and dolomite. The calcite-dolomite pairs were used for temperature calculation with respect to Mg-content in the calcite coexisting with the dolomite. Interpretation of the metamorphic evolution of the carbonates is based on the calcite-dolomite solvus geothermometry. The calculated average temperature of the regional Alpine metamorphism in the carbonates reached 361 °C and 395 - 403 °C according to various calibrations, respectively.


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