Cínonosné strusky z oblasti vodní nádrže Mariánské Lázně
Tin bearing slags from the water reservoir Mariánské Lázně
Klíčová slova
Tin-rich slags were found during the construction of the dam Marienbad. They are composed of Sn-glass, sceletal crystals of ilmenite and small drops of tin metal. Slags also contain grains of Cr-spinel, chromite, and corundum - typical minerals of bazik rocks (serpentinite). In the slags is from 14 wt. % to 32 wt. % SnO2. Tin-rich slags to be residue after compaction cradling tin ore, they formed before the year 1500th.
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Butller B.C.M. (1978) Tin-rich garnet, pyroxene, and spinel from a slag. Mineral. Mag. 42, 487-492.
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