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Zeolitová mineralizace z Lískového vršku u Okřešic u České Lípy (Česká republika)

Zeolite mineralization from Lískový hill at Okřešice near Česká Lípa (Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


Zeolite mineralization with an interesting occurrence of stilbite-Ca and offretite were discovered at the Lískový hill (280 m) 1.5 km NE from Okřešice, 4 km SE from Česká Lípa, northern Bohemia, Czech Republic. The Lískový hill is formed by Tertiary volcanites penetrating a formation of Upper Cretacerous (Coniac) sediments. Stilbite-Ca forms pearly shiny, most often yellowish striped crystals up to 5 mm in size. The refined unit-cell parameters for stilbite-Ca are: a 13.6399(18), b 18.239(3), c 11.2698(16) Å, β 128.01(3)° and V 2209.4(5) Å3. Its chemical analyses correspond to the empirical formula Ca4.05Na0.48K0.29(Si27.13Al8.87)O72·28 H2O. The relatively common zeolite of this locality is the offretite, which occurs there in five different morphological forms. The refined unit-cell parameters for offretite are: a 13.297(8), b 7.6008(4) Å and V 1163.9(8) Å3. Chemical analyses of fibrous offretite correspond to the empirical formula K1.08Ca1.89Mg0.08 Sr0.05(Si12.80Al5.22)O36·15 H2O and tabular offretite K0.76Ca1.85Mg0.33Sr0.03Ba0.01(Si12.44Al5.65Fe0.03)O36·15 H2O.

Chabazite-Ca forms whitish brown crystals up to 5 mm in length. Its refined unit-cell parameters are: a 13.821(2), c 15.0182(2) Å and V 2484.4(9) Å3. Chemical analyses of chabazite-Ca correspond to the empirical formula Ca1.39 Sr0.13K0.80(Si8.40Al3.43)O24.·11 H2O. The phillipsite-Ca forms whitish cross-piece up to 2 mm accross. Its refined unit-cell parameters are: a 9.9242(11), b 14.3143(17), c 8.7417(9) Å, β 124.92(7)° and V 1018.2(2) Å3. Chemical analyses of phillipsite-Ca correspond to the empirical formula K1.78Na0.04Ca1.92Ba0.01(Si10.19Al5.85)O32·12 H2O.


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