Výskyt silikátů uranu (weeksit, kasolit) na uranovém rudním výskytu Zborovy - Nicov u Plánice (Česká republika)
Occurrence of uranyl silicates (weeksite, kasolite) at the uranium ore occurrence Zborovy - Nicov near Plánice (Czech Republic)
Klíčová slova
An interesting uranyl silicate association (kasolite, weeksite) was found at the small uranium ore occurrence Zborovy - Nicov near Plánice (SW Bohemia, Czech Republic). Kasolite forms there abundant powder to massive hemisperical aggregates (pseudomorphoses after uraninite) in a strongly supergene altered gangue and veinlets up to 2 cm; it is yellow with orange or light brown tints. Kasolite is monoclinic, space group P21/c, the unit-cell parameters refined from powder X-ray data are: a 6.716(2), b 6.924(5), c 13.256(6) Å, β 104.17(3)o and V 597.6(5) Å3. Chemical analyses yielded to the empirical formula (Pb0.88K0.05)Σ0.93(UO2)1.02(SiO4)1.00 . H2O. Weeksite was identified only at some samples; it forms light yellow (some with greenish tint) massive aggregates up to 1 - 3 cm in size, pseudomorphs after hemispherical aggregates of uraninite or irregular aggregates and veinlets in gangue. It is monoclinic, space group C2/m, the unit-cell parameters: a 14.197(1), b 14.203(1), c 9.631(1) Å, β 111.624(7)o and V 1805.3(4) Å3. Its empirical formula is (K0.57Ba0.33Ca0.13Al0.06Co0.02Pb0.01)Σ1.12(UO2)2.02 Si5O13 . 4H2O. The results of spectroscopic (Raman, IR) study of both uranyl silicates and tentative assignment of spectra are given in the paper. Uranyl silicates originated there by weathering of primary uranium minerals in the conditions of supergene zone in-situ.
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