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Cowlesite and accompanying mineralization from the Hackenberg hill near Česká Kamenice (Czech Republic)

Volume 22, issue 2 (2014), pages 248-260



Nine species of zeolites were found at the Hackenberg hill, very interesting mineralogical site located 2 km southwest from Česká Kamenice (Czech republic). These nine zeolites were found in the cavities which are located at the contact of basalt volcanic tuffs and breccia. Several of these zeolites are relatively rare, especially cowlesite.

Cowlesite forms white hemispherical aggregates with size up to 10 mm, due its size belongs to world´s largest cowlesites. The unit cell parameters of cowlesite, refined from powder X-ray data, are a 11.267(7), b 15.255(7), c 11.992(8) Å and V 2061(5) Å3. Chemical analyses of cowlesite correspond to the empirical formula Ca0.90Na0.12Mg0.01K0.01(Al1.89Si3.10)O10·4 H2O. Other zeolites which were at Hackenberg hill identified include lévyne-Ca, erionite-Ca, gismondine, thomsonite-Ca, phillipsite-K, chabazite-Ca, natrolite a analcime.

Lévyne-Ca forms hexagonal tabular colorless crystals with an average size of 2 - 4 mm. The unit cell parameters of lévyne-Ca, refined from powder X-ray data, are a 13.330(3), c 23.0122(3) Å and V 3541.3(9) Å3. Chemical analyses of lévyne-Ca correspond to the empirical formula Ca2.76K0.68Na0.17Sr0.02(Si14.46Al6.36)O36·18H2O.

Erionite-Ca forms whitish epitaxial aggregates on the surface (0001) of lévyne-Ca. These aggregates are composed of fine needles oriented perpendicular to the surface of lévyne-Ca. Chemical analyses of lévyne-Ca correspond to the empirical formula Ca2.76K0.68Na0.17Sr0.02(Si14.46Al6.36)O36·18H2O.

Gismondine, the rarest mineral found at this site, forms typical colorless to whitish dipyramidal crystals with size up to 1 mm. The unit cell parameters of gismondine, refined from powder X-ray data, are a 10.021(2), b 10.630(3), c 9.828(3) Å, β 92.51° and V 1045.8(5) Å3. Chemical analyses of gismondine correspond to the empirical formula Ca1.98Na0.06(Si4.10Al3.85)O16·8H2O.

Thomsonite-Ca forms colorless to yellowish tabular crystals and hemispherical aggregates. The unit cell parameters of thomsonite-Ca, refined from powder X-ray data, are a 13.104(2), b 13.056(1), c 13.247(2) Å and V 2266.4(6) Å3. Chemical analyses of thomsonite-Ca correspond to the empirical formula Ca1.78Sr0.05Na1.12(Al4.69Si5.29)O20 · 6H2O.

Phillipsite-K forms typical columnar colorless to whitish crystals with a size 1-2 mm. The unit cell parameters of phillipsite-K, refined from powder X-ray data, are a 9.917(4), b 14.314(8), c 8.737(4) Å, β 124.920° and V 1016.9(9). Chemical analyses of phillipsite-K correspond to the empirical formula K1.95Ca1.91Na0.12(Si10.09Al5.91)O32·12H2O.

Chabazite-Ca forms colorless glassy rhombohedron. The unit cell parameters of chabazite-Ca, refined from powder X-ray data, are a 13.837(6), c 15.0073(4) and V 2488(1). Chemical analyses of chabazite-Ca correspond to the empirical formula Ca1.54Na0.20K0.14Sr0.04Al3.46Si8.53O24·13H2O.

Natrolite forms in up to 5 cm large cavities whitish needles and hemispheres of up to 1 cm. The unit cell parameters of natrolite, refined from powder X-ray data, are a 18.376(5), b 18.552(5), c 6.585(2) Å and V 2244(1). Chemical analyses of natrolite correspond to the empirical formula Na1.79Ca0.10(Si3.01Al1.99)O10·2H2O.

Analcime occurs in the cavities together with larger hemispheres of cowlesite and lévyne-Ca and it forms whitish lenticular crystals. The unit cell parameters of analcime, refined from powder X-ray data, are a 13.703(5) and V 2573(1). Chemical analyses of analcime correspond to the empirical formula Na0.90K0.01Al0.93lSi2.07O6·H2O.


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