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History of mining on the Geister vein in the western part of the Jáchymov ore district

Volume 22, issue 2 (2014), pages 192-201



The Joachimsthal ore deposit was one of the largest deposits of silver within Europe in 16th century. One of the richest veins was the Geister vein, which was discovered by miners in 1539. About 6.1 tons of silver was mined out there until 1589. Only the minor mining workings were operated there during the 17th and 18th century, while cobalt ores were mostly mined there in these times. The most important shaft in this area, the shaft Rudolph (later Werner, Rovnost and Rovnost I), was founded on 20. 11. 1792, in the vicinity of the Geister vein in the northern mining field. The mining works were in a deep crisis during the first half of the 19th century, however luckily, the mining of uranium ores due to the discovery of uranium colours for glass staining stabilized the economic situation of the mining for the certain time. Mining works became cost-effective while reaching the depth of the Barbora hereditary adit (-263 m), where several large ore shoots were found. After the discovery of radium, in the beginning of the 20th century, the mining operations were primarily focused on the mining of the uranium ores. After the WWII mining was completely focused on uranium ores under the supervision of the Soviets for development of the Soviet nuclear bomb. Rovnost I became the deepest mine in the whole ore district (with the deepest 12th level, 661 m under the surface). All the mining was terminated in 1961.


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