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Haüyne from Lukov in České středohoří Mountains (Czech Republic)



Dark blue grains of haüyne up to 6 mm in size were recently found in nepheline-tephrite at the classic locality Lukov in České středohoří Mountains (Czech Republic) in association with titanite aggregates (up to 2 mm in size). The unit cell parameter of haüyne, refined from the powder X-ray data, are a  9.093(3) Å and V 751.9(2) Å3. Chemical analyses of haüyne determined by EPMA-WDS correspond to the empirical formula (Na5.64K0.48)Σ6.12(Ca1.52Fe0.07Mg0.01)Σ1.60[(Al5.94Si6.06)Σ12.00O24](SO4)1.75[F0.05Cl0.10(OH)0.01].


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