Selenides from the fluorite deposit Moldava, Krušné hory Mountains (Czech Republic)
A mineral association of Pb, Ag and Bi selenides in carbonate - fluorite - quartz gangue was found at samples from the abandoned fluorite mine Moldava v Krušných horách (northern Bohemia, Czech Republic). The minerals from the clausthalite - galena solid solution are the most abundant; four their types were determined on the base of chemical composition and associations. The first occurs as fine-grained aggregates up to 2 mm in size and impregnations formed by irregular grains up to 100 μm across (some with naumannite) and rarely also idiomorphic crystals up to 5 μm in coffinite. It is clausthalite with S contents up to 0.14 apfu.
The second type forms grains up to 20 μm in association with native Ag, naumannite and Se-rich acanthite, it is clausthalite with S contents in the range 0.24 - 0.32 apfu. The third type is represented by aggregates up to 200 μm of Se-rich galena (to clausthalite) in association with bohdanowiczite and Ag-Pb-Cu-Bi-(Se,S) phase with Se contens in the range 0.38 - 0.48 apfu. The fourth type forms aggregates up to 100 μm across in association with aikinite and it is galena with Se contents in the range 0.17 - 0.45 apfu. Naumannite was found as aggregates up to 100 μm in size, its empirical formula can be expressed as Ag1.00(Se0.97S0.02)Σ0.99. Se-rich acanthite (0.11 - 0.49 apfu Se) occurs as grains up to 90 μm across in association with native Ag, naumannite and coffinite. S-rich bohdanowiczite forms aggregates up to 80 μm in size in association with Se-rich galena and Ag-Pb-Cu-Bi-(Se,S) phase; its chemical composition corresponds to the empirical formula (Ag1.05Pb0.01)Σ1.06Bi1.01(Se1.30S0.63)Σ1.93. Aikinite was found only rarely as grains up to 20 μm in association with Se-rich galena, its empirical formula is (Cu3.85Fe0.20)Σ4.05Pb4.04Bi3.95(S12.19Se0.45)Σ12.64. The aggregates of Ag-Pb-Cu-Bi-(Se,S) phase occurs in association with Se-rich galena and bohdanowiczite; its chemical composition is very variable; this phase is interpreted as submicroscopic (< 1 μm) intergrowths of aikinite and bohdanowiczite. The native silver forms grains up to 100 μm in association with naumannite, Se-rich acanthite and coffinite. The described mineral association was probably formed from two or more fluids exhibiting different fSe2/fS2 ratios and disequilibrium of system.
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