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Phosphosiderite from Zdechovice and Chvaletice near Přelouč, Železné hory Mts. (Czech Republic)

Volume 23, issue 2 (2015), pages 208-213



Phosphosiderite was found at mine dumps material of the abandoned Fe-Mn occurrence Zdechovice (19 km E from Kolín, Czech Republic). It forms there whitish, greyish white and mauve coatings and crusts with area more than 10 cm2 on weathered slate rocks. Phosphosiderite is monoclinic, space group P21/n, the unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data are: a 5.330(3), b 9.807(7), c 8.706(4) Å, β 90.60(5)o and V 455.1(5) Å3; its chemical composition is close to ideal formula Fe3+PO4 . 2H2O. White crystals and aggregates of gypsum, yelow-brown nodules of destinezite (triclinic, space group P-1, unit-cell parameters: a 9.562(8), b 9.715(6), c 7.319(5) Å, α 98.75(5), β 107.91(5), γ 63.87(5)o and V 580.8(8) Å3) and white to greyish white aggregates od fluorapatite (hexagonal, space group P 63/m, unit-cell parameters: a 9.417(7), c 6.8761(3) Å and V 528.1(4) Å3) were observed in association. Similar occurrence of phosphosiderite (monoclinic, space group P21/n, the unit-cell parameters: a 5.334(4), b 9.817(6), c 8.700(4) Å, β 90.60(3)o and V 455.7(5) Å3) was confirmed at historical sample from nearby Chvaletice deposit near Přelouč.


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