Stolzite from Vysoká near Havlíčkův Brod (Czech Republic)
Rare mineral, stolzite, was found at the locality of the W mineralization Vysoká hill (587 m) near Havlíčkův Brod, Czech Republic. It forms light grey irregular crystals up to 2 mm in size and grains up to 3 mm accross at limonitized quarz gangue in association with russellite, scheelite and relics of ferberite. Stolzite is tetragonal with space group I 41/a and refined unit-cell parameters: a 5.465(2), c = 12.050(1) Å and V = 359.9(1) Å3. Its chemical composition is close to ideal formula PbWO4. Raman spectrum of stolzite agree very well with published data and tentative assignement of individual bands is given.
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