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Recent formation of rozenite on fossil coal mass from locality Pecínov near Nové Strašecí (Czech Republic)

Volume 22, issue 2 (2014), pages 356-362



Recently formed hydrated Fe2+ sulfate, rozenite, was determined at samples from the locality Pecínov near Nové Strašecí (central Bohemia, Czech Republic). It occurs as rich irregular crusts at the area about 5 x 10 cm with thickness up to 1.5 cm formed by bend to twisted fibres with diameter up to 2 mm and length to 0.5 - 1 cm. Fresh rozenite is fully transparent, colorless some with bluish or greenish tint; in course of some weeks, while the climatic conditons changed due to disruption of the enclosure, the aggregates turned white and became translucent to opaque. Rozenite is monoclinic, space group P21/n, with unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data: a 5.9651(2), b 13.6104(5), c 7.9653(2) Å, β 90.488(3)o and V 646.65(3) Å3. Chemical analyses of rozenite, CaO 0.01, FeO 31.64, CuO 0.11, Al2O3 0.01, P2O5 0.02, SO3 35.92, H2O(calc.) 32.11, total 99.82 wt. % yielded to the empirical formula Fe0.99(SO4)1.01.4H2O. Rozenite from Pecínov is recent product of rapid weathering of pyrite finely dispersed in the coal mass. It imerges under stable rH (<55%) conditions following abrupt exsication and short-term deoxidisation.


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