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Felsöbányaite from the Most Basin (Czech Republic)



Rare aluminium hydroxo-sulphate, felsöbányaite, Al4(SO4)(OH)10·4H2O, was found at two occurrences in the Most Basin (northern Bohemia, Czech Republic). It forms white earthy and powdery aggregates filling gaps and cracks in coal matrix in the Libouš Quarry, Březno near Chomutov. Unit-cell parameters of the Libouš sample refined from the X-ray powder diffraction data are: a 13.056(5), b 10.126(5), c 11.101(4) Å, β 103.90(4) and V 1424(1) Å3. At the Bílina quarry felsöbányaite occurs as hemispherical to spherical aggregates formed by tiny tabular crystals with a size of 2 - 5 μm in clay and carbonates. Unit-cell parameters of the Bílina sample refined from the X-ray powder diffraction data are: a 13.024(8), b 10.011(3), c 11.113(7) Å, β 104.34(5) and V 1404(1) Å3. Felsöbányaite is formed at studied occurrences by reaction of sulphate anions (from weathering of Fe-sulphides) with alumosilicates from clay rocks within coal seams.


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