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Polytypism of cronstedtite from two localities in Mexico

Volume 32, issue 2 (2024), pages 177-186



Cronstedtite from two Mexican localities: 1) San Antonio mine, 9th level, East camp, Santa Eulalia mining district, Aquiles Serdán Municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico (MSA in the following), 2) Francisco I. Madero Mine, Noria de los Gringos, Zacatecas, Mexico (FIM in the following), were studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction using the four-circle diffractometer with area detector. The reciprocal space (RS) sections were generated by the diffractometer software in order to determine OD subfamilies (Bailey’s groups) A, B, C, D, and particular polytypes. In the samples from MSA the polytype 3T (Subfamily A) is the most frequent. Some crystals are affected by twinning by reticular merohedry with the 180° rotation as twinning operation (obverse-reverse twinning). The 2H2 polytype (subfamily D) occurs rarely. In the FIM sample, the 2H1 + 2H2 allotwins (subfamily D) are most frequent. In one sample, the rare 6T1 polytype (subfamily D) was detected. The 3T polytype is rare. The electron probe microanalysis showed broad similarites in composition of the studied cronstedtites, characterized by common lack of any substitutes except of low S (up to 0.02 apfu; at both sites), and Cl (up to 0.01 apfu, at FIM only).


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