Zeolite mineralization in the Permian basalts of the Hronicum Unit (Kozie Chrbty Mts., Eastern Slovakia)
Laumontite and heulandite-Ca were found in the cracks and cavities of Permian basalt (Malužiná Formation, Ipoltica Group of the Hronicum Unit), in the eastern part of the Kozie Chrbty Mts., at Spišská Teplica - Štefánikova and Lučivná - Lopušná Dolina localities. Laumontite has a relatively monotonous chemical composition, only K content reaches up to 0.75 apfu. Average crystallochemical formula of laumontite (both occurrences) is (K0.41Na0.06Ca3.61)Σ4.08[Si16.03Al7.54]Σ23.56O48·18H2O, Si/Al ratio 2.13. Main diffraction maxima d(I) of laumontite are 9.461(100), 6.844(44), 4.157(48), 3.508(33), 3.272(22), unit cell parameters: a = 14.738(1) Å, b = 13.087(1) Å, c = 7.554(1) Å, β = 111.84°, V = 1352.3 Å3. Ca is dominant component in heulandite-Ca from the Štefánikova occurrence (2.18-2.69 apfu), from other admixtures, significantly increased is K content (1.30-2.35 apfu). Less important are Ba (0.05-0.7 apfu) and Sr (0.23-0.60 apfu), Na content reached up to 0.26 apfu. Average chemical composition of studied heulandite-Ca corresponds to formula (K1.79Na0.16Ca2.39Ba0.38Sr0.39Fe0.13)Σ5.24[Si26.82Al8.94]Σ35.76O72·24H2O, Si/Al ratio 3.00. Its main diffraction maxima d(I) are 8.954(100), 4.650(17), 3.976(18), 3.897(18), 2.973(37), unit cell parameters: a = 17.786(1) Å, b = 17.930(1) Å, c = 7.4338(1) Å, β = 115.93°, V = 2131.9 Å3. Zeolites probably originated during the Alpine orogeny, at the reduced p-T conditions after a peak of the prehnite-pumpellyite facies of basalt metamorphosis. The minimum estimated conditions of their origin are T ~ 210 °C and p 2.1-2.4 kbar, corresponding to the burial depth of Hronicum basalts around 7 km, in the time of zeolites formation.
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