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The occurrence of barytocalcite at the vein Bt22U, shaft 19, uranium and base-metal ore district Příbram (Czech Republic)



The rare carbonate of Ca and Ba, barytocalcite, was found in the uranium and base-metal ore district Příbram (Czech Republic) for the first time. Specimens were found in one cavity in the year 1983 on the vein Bt22U, 30 - 32 meters above 17th level of the shaft No. 19. At least two generations of calcite are in association with chalk white, yellowish or pinkish soft to crumbly barytocalcite crystal aggregates which are partially replaced by baryte. Individual barytocalcite crystals are up to 2 mm in size and have glassy lustre. Barytocalcite is monoclinic, space group P21/m, the unit-cell parameters refined from the X-ray powder diffraction data are: a 8.104(3), b 5.241(1), c 6.547(2) Å, β 106.02(2)° and V 267.3(1) Å3. Chemical analysis correspond to the empirical formula Ba0.98Ca1.02(CO3)2 on the basis 6 O apfu.


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