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Zeolite mineralization from Milířsko near Těchlovice nad Labem (Czech Republic)

Volume 26, issue 1 (2018), pages 102-113



The zeolite mineralization was found in the forrest area on a steep hill Pustý zámek, ca 1 km S of the settlement Milířsko, 2.5 km SE of Těchlovice village at right riverside of Labe (northern Bohemia, Czech Republic). It consists of two dyke-intrusions of camptonite type belonging to the so-called Roztoky dyke swarm. Heulandite-Ca, stilbite-Ca and scolecite are the most prominent zeolites of this locality. Heulandite-Ca forms white, pearly lustrous transparent crystals up to 1 cm in size or sheen twins sized up to 2 cm. The unit-cell parameters of heulandite-Ca refined from the powder X-ray data are: a 17.725(2), b 17.822(2), c 7.4306(9) Å, β 116.33(5)°, and V 2103.7(4) Å3. Its chemical analyses correspond to the empirical formula K0.85Na0.48Ca2.88Ba0.02Sr0.83(Al8.86Si27.15)O72·24H2O. Scolecite occurs in white to colourless hemispherical aggregates up to 1 cm in size and fan-like clusters in yellowish aggregates of chabazite. Its unit-cell parameters refined from the powder X-ray data are: a 18.496(8), b 18.957(6), c 6.522(3) Å, β 90.55(7)° and V 2286.7(13) Å3. Chemical analyses of this zeolite correspond to the empirical formula Na0.22Ca0.88(Al1.93Si3.06)O10·3H2O. Stilbite-Ca occurs as slightly yellowish aggregates up to 2 cm in size. Its unit-cell parameters refined from the powder X-ray data are: a 13.640(1), b 18.240(1), c 11.2741(9) Å, β 128.01(1)° and V 2210.3(3) Å3. Chemical analyses of stilbite-Ca correspond to the empirical formula Ca4.20Na1.19K0.25(Si26.38Al9.56)O72·28H2O. Analcime, chabazite-Ca and mezolite occur as additional zeolites at this site. Crystals of K-feldspar (orthoclase), unknown yet in zeolite associa-tions of České středohoři mountains, has been found in one of the dyke intrusion.


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