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Výskyt sekundárního ferberitu na Pekelném vrchu u Jihlavy (moldanubikum, Česká republika)

Occurrence of secondary ferberite at the Pekelný vrch hill near Jihlava (Moldanubicum, Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


Quartz-muscovite greisen veins up to several meters thick occur in fine-grained two-mica granites near their contact with migmatites at Pekelný vrch near Jihlava, Czech Republic. Quartz-muscovite greisen contains primary scheelite and secondary wolframite, monazite, xenotime and jarosite. Small muscovite veinlets occur in the granite, quartz-fluorite veinlets occur in the migmatites. Both types of veinlets are close to the quartz-muscovite greisen. Primary scheelite in quartz-muscovite greisen veins was replaced and pseudomorphed by almost pure ferberite (0.07 – 0.17 hm. % MnO) – variety reinite. Pseudomorphs are composed of porous fine crystal aggregates of secondary ferberite with minor amount of monazite-(Ce), xenotime and fluorine-rich muscovite. Pores are either empty or filled by limonite or P, W and Bi enriched jarosite. Sometimes relics of scheelite are preserved inside the pseudomorphs. Fissures in the scheelite are filled by P, W and Bi rich plumbojarosite.


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