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Chrómom a vanádom obohatený grossulár zo skarnu Dubová v Malých Karpatoch (Slovensko)

Chromium- and vanadium-rich grossular from Dubová skarn, Malé Karpaty Mountains (Slovakia)

Klíčová slova


Grossular garnet, enriched in Cr and V, forms rare subhedral crystals (up to 40 μm in size) with diopside, albite, K-feldspar, titanite and clinozoisite in Ca-skarn near Dubová, Malé Karpaty Mts., Western Carpathians (SW Slovakia). The skarn is situated along the contact between Devonian limestones and Carboniferous granitic rocks. Grossular crystals shows two distinct zones: Cr-V enriched core and Cr-V poor rim with sharp boundary between the zones. The Cr,V-rich grossular cores contain 0.9 to 5.3 wt.% Cr2O3 (0.06 to 0.33 apfu Cr) and 0.5 to 2.0 wt.% V2O3 (0.03 to 0.13 apfu V), whereas the rims exhibit £0.5 wt.% Cr2O3 (£0.03 apfu Cr) and £0.3 wt.% V2O3 (£0.02 apfu V). The garnet cores and rims show (in mol.%): 60-73 and 75-94 grossular, 11-19 and 2-19 andradite, 3-18 and 0-2 uvarovite, 1-7 and 0-1 goldmanite, 1-4 and 0-5 almandine, and 0.5-1.4 and 0.4-1.6 spessartine, respectively. The garnet cores usually corresponds to Cr > Mn > V (apfu) composition, a new type in chemical classification of V,Cr-rich grossular (tsavorite). Adjacent dark, graphite-rich phyllites were probably the source of Cr and V. The Cr,V-rich grossular cores precipitated probably during the early contact-metamorphic stage, whereas the Cr,V-poor rims originated during later, main evolution stage of the skarn formation.


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