Mineralogická charakteristika U-Pb výskytu u obce Bezděkov (Tachovsko, Česká republika)
Mineralogical characteristic of the U-Pb occurrence near the Bezděkov village (Tachov area, Czech Republic)
Klíčová slova
The uranium-lead mineralisation was found in the mine dump material in the locality Bezděkov (Tachov area, western Bohemia, Czech Republic). Galena occurs as coarse-grained aggregates up to 5 cm in size in quartz gangue, partly replaced by cerussite. Cerussite forms massive and powdery aggregates replacing galena. It is orthorhombic, space group Pmcn with unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data: a 5.1848(2), b 8.5001(3), c 6.1478(2) Å and V 270.937(13) Å3. Kasolite forms globular aggregates covering the area up to several cm2. It is monoclinic, space group P21/c, the unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data are: a 6.7133(6), b 6.9516(8), c 13.2666(14) Å, β 104.156(8)o and V 600.33(11) Å3. The chemical analyses of kasolite correspond to the empirical formula Pb1.12Fe0.03Ca0.02K0.01(UO2)1.11(SiO4)1.00·H2O on the base of Si = 1 apfu. The Bezděkov ore occurrence belongs to the shear-zone hosted uranium mineralisation. The discovered mineralization originated by the weathering of galena and uraninite in conditions of supergene zone in-situ.
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