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Andradit a datolit z Košťálova u Semil (Liberecký kraj, Česká republika)

Andradite and datolite from Košťálov near Semily (Liberec Region, Czech Republic)


Klíčová slova


Andradite and datolite were newly discovered in the Košt’álov quarry near Semily (Czech Republic). Both minerals form an irregular filling of a thin veinlet rimmed by recrystallised albite and diopside in altered basaltic andesite. Transparent honey-brown andradite occurring in crystals up to 1.5 mm in size and their subparallel aggregates is relatively pure, containing 93 - 99 mol. % Adr, in the narrow outer zone with increased content of grossular component in the range of 13 - 27 mol. %. Crystalline datolite with empirical formula Ca1.00B1.03(SiO2)0.97OH0.99F0.01 is clearly younger than andradite and older than calcite. The minerals were identified by electron microprobe analysis, supplemented for datolite by Raman spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction. Hydrothermal solutions with temperatures between about 160 and 400 °C are thought to have formed the studied mineral assemblage.


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