Minerály skupiny neustädtelitu z Jáchymova v Krušných horách (Česká republika)
Neustädtelite group minerals from Jáchymov in the Krušné hory Mts. (Czech Republic)
Klíčová slova
Neustädtelite and not-yet approved Zn-analogue of neustädtelite (Zn-neustädtelite) were found in material from the Geister vein, western part of the Jáchymov ore district, the Krušné hory Mts., Czech Republic. Neustädtelite occurs as orange brown crystalline aggregates in association with walpurgite, bismutite, eulytine, preisingerite and zavaritskite. It is triclinic, space group P-1, the unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data are: a 4.551(2), b 6.134(4), c 9.024(5) Å, α 95.26(6)o, β 99.40(4)o, γ 92.89(5)o and V 246.9(2) Å3. Chemical analyses of neustädtelite correspond to the empirical formula Bi1.89Fe1.00(Fe0.53Al0.19Zn0.15Ni0.04Co0.03Pb0.02)Σ0.96O1.72(OH)1.77[(AsO4)1.76(PO4)0.13 (SiO4)0.11]Σ2.00 on the basis of As+P+Si = 4 apfu. Zn-neustädtelite occurs as brownish red spherical crystalline aggegates, formed by tiny tabular crystals in association with atelestite, eulytine, walpurgite and preisingerite. It is triclinic, space group P-1, with the unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data: a 9.175(6), b 6.150(2), c 9.407(4) Å, α 83.52(3)°, β 70.59(4)°, γ 86.94(4)° and V 497.4(5) Å3. Chemical analyses of Zn-neustädtelite correspond to the empirical formula (Bi1.96Ca0.04)Σ2.00Fe1.00(Zn0.37Fe0.22Ni0.21Co0.15Pb0.03
Cu0.02)Σ1.00O1.23(OH)2.73[(AsO4)1.92(PO4)0.06(SiO4)0.02]Σ2.00, calculated based on the sum of As+P+Si+V = 2 apfu.
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