Hydrotermální a supergenní mineralizace křemen-kalcitové žíly z kamenolomu Smrčník, Lipová-lázně u Jeseníku (Česká republika)
Hydrothermal and supergene mineralization of quartz-calcite vein from the quarry Smrčník, Lipová-lázně near Jeseník (Czech Republic)
Klíčová slova
An extraordinary rich supergene mineral association (about 20 determined mineral species) has been discovered in an active marble quarry Smrčník located at NW slope of the hill Smrčník (799 m a.s.l.), 2 km NW of the village Lipová-Lázně, 7 km WNW of Jeseník, Rychlebské hory Mountains, Czech Republic. The origin of supergene minerals is connected with weathering of primary sulphides (galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite) in quartz-calcite hydrotermal vein in the conditions of supergene zone in-situ. The most common supergene mineral is cerussite, quite abundant are anglesite, phosphohedyphane, hemimorphite, malachite, chrysocolla, fornacite and vauquelinite. Other determined minerals are rare: aurichalcite, caledonite, cesàrolite, conichalcite, descloizite, duftite, leadhillite, linarite, mottramite, plumbojarosite, rosasite and wulfenite. The detailed descriptions, X-ray powder diffraction data, refined unit-cell parameters and quantitative chemical composition of individual studied mineral phases are presented.
Online 26.12.2023
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