Sulfidická mineralizace ze Skalky u Kraslic (Česká republika)
Sulfide mineralization from Skalka near Kraslice (Czech Republic)
Klíčová slova
An interesting hydrothermal sulfide mineralization has been found in the dumps of the Skalka ore occurrence near Kraslice, western Bohemia, Czech Republic. The most abundant jamesonite forms there steel to black grey acicular crystals up to 2 mm in lenght and their irregular aggregates in quartz gangue in association with boulangerite and ullmannite. Jamesonite is monoclinic, space group P21/a and its refined unit-cell parameters are: a 15.709(2), b 19.127(3), c 4.031(1) Å, β 91.78(2)° and V 1210.6(3) Å3. Its empical formula (mean of 12 point analyses) is Pb4.14Fe1.01Sb6.12S13.73. Boulangerite occurs as well-formed acicular crystals up to 200 μm together with earlier jamesonite and Fe-rich sphalerite; in association also Ag-rich tetrahedrite, bournonite and ullmannite were observed. Its chemical composition (mean of 10 point analyses) corresponds to empirical formula Pb5.18Sb4.02S10.79.
Ag-rich tetrahedrite was found as steel black-grey aggregates up to 1 mm in size in association with earlier Fe-rich tetrahedrite and later bournonite. Its empirical formula (mean of 3 point analyses) is (Cu3.02Ag2.98)Σ6.00Cu4.03(Fe1.19Zn0.83)Σ2.02 Sb4.21S12.73. Fe-rich sphalerite forms irregular dark brown to black-brown aggregates up to several mm across in association with boulangerite and Ag-rich tetrahedrite. It shows chemical composition with Fe contents about 0.17 apfu (ca 10 wt. %) with empirical formula (mean of 4 point analyses) (Zn0.83Fe0.17)Σ1.00S1.00. Bournonite occurs there only rarely as irregular aggregates up to 10 μm across and thin margins of aggregates of Ag-rich tetrahedrite; its empirical formula is Pb1.01Cu0.99Sb1.01S2.99. Rare ullmannite was found as microscopic aggregates up to 20 μm in size in association with jamesonite and boulangerite. Its chemical composition (mean of 4 point analyses) corresponds to empirical formula (Ni0.96Fe0.01)Σ0.97(Sb1.03As0.01)Σ1.04S0.99.
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