Faujasit-Na a doprovodná zeolitová mineralizace z lokality Klučky u Polevska v Lužických horách (Česká republika)
Faujasit-Na and accompanying zeolite mineralization from the locality Klučky near Polevsko in the Lužické hory Mts. (Czech Republic)
Klíčová slova
Four new zeolite occurrences have been discovered in a forested, 3 km long ridge Klučky, composed of basaltic rocks and culminating in the 642 m high elevation of the same name NW of the Nový Bor town in the Lužické hory Mts. At the Wachstein locality, the first occurrence of the rare zeolite faujasite-Na in the Czech Republic was verified. It forms octahedral crystals up to 0.3 mm in size with common twins according to spinel law. The unit-cell parameter of faujasite-Na refined from the powder X-ray data is a 24.6775(9) Å and V 15028.1(9) Å3. Its chemical analyses correspond to the empirical formula (Na1.43Ca1.20K0.44Mg0.16)Σ3.23(Al3.33Si8.36)O24·15 H2O. Besides to phillipsite and chabazite, frequent offretite, characterised by its extraordinary morphological variety, is present in all described localities. The unit-cell parameters of offretite refined from the powder X-ray data are: a 13.311(6), c 7.5934(6) Å and V 1165.2(5) Å3 (Wachstein) and a 13.310(5), c 7.5886(5) Å and V 1164.3(4) Å3 (Klučky - Stráň). Chemical analyses of offretite correspond to the empirical formula K2.02Ca1.31Mg0.32Sr0.09(Al5.42Si12.56)O36·16 H2O (Wachstein) and Ca1.48K1.02Mg0.59Na0.10Sr0.09(Al5.56Si12.52)O36·16 H2O (Klučky - Stráň).
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