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Iriginit, chistyakovait a metazeunerit ze štoly 5. květen ve Vrchoslavi v Krušných horách (Česká republika)

Iriginite, chistyakovaite and metazeunerite from the 5. květen adit at Vrchoslav in Krušné hory Mts. (Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


A rare uranium supergenne minerals iriginite and chystiakovaite were found in the abandoned adit called 5. květen in Vrchoslav, Krušné Hory Mts. (Czech Republic), in association with metazeunerite, ilsemannite, anglesite and gypsum, nearby the veins that contain molybdenite. Iriginite forms yellow to green-yellow spherical aggregates up to 0.2mm insize; its refined orthorhombic unit-cell parameters are: a 6.700(2), b 12.733(4), c 11.518(4) Å and V 982.5(6) A3. Chemical analyses of iriginite correspond to the empirical formula (UO2)(Mo6+1.91Fe0.06Cu0.01)Σ1.98O7·3H2O. Chistyakovaite forms druses of whitish, light-yellow or greenish brittle tabular crystals having between 20 - 250 μm in size. Diffraction maxima ofthe highest observed intensities are: 9.3 (100), 4.90 (20), 4.59 (15), 3.80 (10) and 3.55 Å (10). Chemical analyses ofchistyakovaite correspond to the empirical formula (Al0.85Mg0.04)Σ0.89(UO2)1.90[(AsO4)1.68(PO4)0.32]Σ2.00[F0.65(OH)0.35]Σ1.00·6.5H2O. Metazeunerite, which has been found in the association, forms green tabular crystals having 0.1 - 0.2 mm insize and their aggregates; refined tetragonal unit-cell parameters are: a 7.096(3), b 17.4397(2) Å and V 878.2(6) A3. Its chemical analyses correspond to the empirical formula Cu0.64(UO2)1.89[(AsO4)1.97(PO4)0.03]Σ2.00·8H2O.


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