Revize harmotomu z terciérního neovulkanitu z Ostravy-Muglinova
Revision of harmotome from the Tertiary neovolcanite from Ostrava-Muglinov (Czech Republic)
Klíčová slova
From the Tertiary basaltoid rocks known from the mines and quarries in Ostrava city, harmotome was described in 1857 and phillipsite in 1928. Samples of both are very scarce and preserved only in museum collections in Ostrava and Brno. We were allowed to study sample from the Ostrava museum, where zeolite mineral occurred in amygdaloid cavity together with younger calcite. X-ray powder diffraction analysis proved its affiliation to the harmotome-phillipsite-Ca series. Its average chemical formula from WDS is (Ba1.85Ca0.32K0.14Na0.12Mn0.01)Σ2.44[Al4.90Si11.17]Σ16.07O32.00·13.05H2O. It belongs to the low temperature hydrothermal mineralization, typical for some Tertiary basaltoid rocks in the area of the Bohemian Massif.
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