Zeolitová mineralizace z Heřmanic u České Lípy (Česká republika)
Zeolite mineralization from Heřmanice near Česká Lípa (Czech Republic)
Klíčová slova
A new interesting occurrence of zeolite mineralization was found in cavities of tephritic basaltoids at unnamed hill (453 m a. s. l.), ca. 300 m WNW of the village Heřmanice near Česká Lípa, Northern Bohemia (Czech Republic). Lévyne-Ca is typical and very abundant zeolite species at this locality, it forms colourless to white tabular crystals up to 9 mm in size. Its unit-cell parameters (for trigonal space group R-3m) refined from the powder X-ray data are: a 13.363(4) Å, c 22.995(2) Å and V 3556(1) Å3. Chemical analyses of lévyne-Ca correspond to the empirical formula (Ca2.80K0.60Na0.09)Σ3.49 (Si11.77Al6.21)O36·17 H2O. In association, chabazite-Ca, erionite-Ca, analcime, phillipsite-Ca, thomsonite-Ca, cowlesite and gismondine were found, for all these minerals physical and chemical data are given in the paper.
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