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Žíly turmalinitů v moldanubiku západní Moravy v okolí Třebíče

Tourmalinite veins in vicinity of Třebíč, west-moravian part of the Moldanubian Zone

Klíčová slova


Two occurrences of tourmalinite veins were discovered in the vicinity of Třebíč (Moldanubian Zone). The tourmalinites crosscut biotite granites or migmatites as brownish‑black quartz-tourmaline (± K-feldspar, rutile) veins (tourmaline > 50 vol. %) from few mm to several dm thick. Tourmaline corresponds to dravite and oxy-dravite (XFe 0.35 - 0.56, Na 0.41 - 0.66 apfu) predominantly and usually shows sector or patchy zoning. The incorporation of Al, vacancy and minor Ca in tourmaline takes place via foitite (□Al Na-1(Fe,Mg)-1), Al2 (Mg, Fe)Si-1 and uvite (Ca(Fe,Mg) Al-1Na-1) substitutions. The tourmaline samples from the two studied tourmalinite localities differ in Al (5.97 to 6.39 vs. 6.55 to 6.81 apfu), Ca, Ti and F contents. The examined tourmalinites can be interpreted as crystallization products of boron rich fluids related to intrusion of peraluminous granites and/or aplites.


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