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Výskyt cinabaritu s mikroskopickým gortdrumitem na ložisku Vrančice u Příbrami (Česká republika)

The occurence of cinnabar with microscopis gortdrumite at the Vrančice deposit near Příbram (Czech Republic)

Klíčová slova


An interesting association of cinnabar with gordtrumite, djurleite and galena in calcite gangue was found at mine dump from the 16th century at the Vrančice deposit near Příbram, central Bohemia, Czech Republic. Cinnabar forms carmine red grains up to 2 mm and its empical formula is (Hg0.97Cu0.02)Σ0.99S1.00. It is partly intergrown with metallic black grains of djurleite, galena and rare gordtrumite. Chemical composition of djurleite is (Cu30.54Hg0.10)Σ30.64S16.36, and galena (Pb0.97Cu0.03)Σ1.00S0.99. Gordtrumite forms irregular grains up to 100 μm in close association with cinnabar and djurleite. Its chemical analyses yielded the average composition (Cu6.26Ag0.01)Σ6.27Hg1.78S4.95. The described Cu-Hg rich mineral association is interpreted as a product of late hydrothermal processes in low-temperature (< 100 oC) conditions.


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