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Metamorfný vývoj dolomitického mramoru z gréckeho ostrova Thassos

Metamorphic evolution of dolomitic marble from Thassos Island in Greece

Klíčová slova


Dolomitic marble from the Thassos Island in Greece consists of the Dol ± Cal + Tr ± Tlc + Srp retrograde mineral assemblage. The retrograde phase of metamorphism of the studied marble took place under the amphibolite facies conditions. The average calculated temperature of recrystalization of calcite reached 496 ± 9°C, calculated according to the first calibration. Using the second calibration, the temperature range was estimated at 517 - 529 °C for a given pressure interval 300 - 350 MPa. The temperature 464 ± 27°C at a pressure of 350 ± 1 MPa was calculated from the retrograde univariant reactions intercept using THERMOCALC ver. 3.33.


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