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Příspěvek k poznání chemismu rtuťových tetraedritů: lokality Jedová hora (Česko), Rudňany, Rožňava, Nižná Slaná, Slovinky (Slovensko) a Maškara (Bosna a Hercegovina)

A contribution to knowledge of chemistry of mercurian tetrahedrites: localities Jedová hora (Czech Republic), Rudňany, Rožňava, Nižná Slaná, Slovinky (Slovakia) and Maškara (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Klíčová slova


In this research 18 samples of tetrahedrite containing mercury were collected from six localities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bosnia. The samples were subjected to detail microprobe and x-ray diffraction analyses and subsequent refinement of unit-cell parameters. Tetrahedrites from the Jedová Hora locality (Czech Republic) are rich in mercury (1.46 - 1.73 apfu); tetrahedrites from the Rudňany deposit (Slovakia) have a variable content of Hg, Fe and Zn (Hg rich samples with 1.47 - 1.79 apfu of Hg; Fe rich sample with 1.06 apfu of Fe and Zn rich sample with 1.79 apfu of Zn); tetrahedrites for the Rožňava deposit (Slovakia) are mostly Fe rich (1.53 - 1.75 apfu); Hg rich sample from Rožňava contains 1.65 apfu of Hg. Two samples of tetrahedrites from the Nižná Slaná deposit (Slovakia) are rich in Hg (1.07 and 1.39 apfu); analyzed sample from the Slovinky deposit (Slovakia) is rich in Zn (1.13 apfu). Samples from the Maškara deposit (Bosnia) contain more Fe than Hg (Fe: 0.93 - 1.33 apfu; Hg: 0.19 - 0.76 apfu). The mercury content in the samples showed a positive linear correlation to the unit cell parameters (0.19 apfu ~ 10.32 Ǻ to 1.79 apfu ~ 10.46 Ǻ).


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